
 Sex After Menopause Doesn't Have to be Painful: Learn About Surgery-Free Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation

Sep 20, 2024
 Sex After Menopause Doesn't Have to be Painful: Learn About Surgery-Free Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation

When sex hurts, relationships go downhill, and your health suffers. Here’s how vaginal rejuvenation can turn things around.

You know the classic signs of menopause, and you’ve probably experienced most — mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, and weight gain. However, there’s a menopause symptom that catches many women off guard — painful sex.

But sex after menopause doesn’t have to be painful. 

Dr. Ben Shatil and physician assistant Allison Santhouse at YS Aesthetics offer innovative treatments that can restore your vaginal health and help you enjoy sex again. 

Here’s how vaginal rejuvenation works and why it’s important. 

Why vaginal atrophy makes sex painful

As you age, your body goes through many changes, but none as significant and far-reaching as menopause. You know about the hot flashes and mood swings, but it may surprise you that your vagina takes the hardest hit when your hormones plummet. 


It’s called vaginal atrophy, and it occurs when estrogen levels decrease during menopause. The drop leads to thinning, drying, and inflammation of your vaginal walls. 


When your vaginal tissue becomes thinner and less lubricated, it loses its elasticity, and the lack of natural lubrication causes friction and micro-tears, so you can understand why you experience itching, burning, and pain during sex.

The link between regular sex and overall health

Sex is good for your body and overall health. It gives you a good workout that improves cardiovascular health, boosts the immune system, and reduces stress. 

If you’re menopausal, an active sex life can also keep your vaginal tissue healthy by promoting blood flow and natural lubrication.

Regular sex also has perks for emotional and psychological health. When sex is good, you and your partner are happier and more connected. And face it, sexual satisfaction bumps up your self-esteem and confidence.

However, if sex hurts, you’re bound to shy away from it and avoid intimacy. Fortunately, vaginal rejuvenation treatments can help.

The best vaginal rejuvenation treatments

At YS, our vaginal rejuvenation services are nonsurgical treatments that restore your vaginal tissue’s health and functionality, alleviating symptoms and making sex more comfortable and enjoyable.

We offer two state-of-the-art vaginal rejuvenation treatments: CO2 laser tightening and platelet-rich plasma fibrin.

CO2 laser tightening

CO2 laser tightening uses a specialized laser to create micro-injuries in your vaginal tissue that stimulate your body’s natural healing process.

First, it increases your collagen production, which restores your vaginal tissue’s thickness, elasticity, and natural lubrication. 

Next, it promotes tissue regeneration, repairing micro-tears and healing damaged skin.

During the procedure, we insert a small laser device into your vagina. The laser emits controlled energy pulses, creating the micro-injuries. The CO2 laser treatment is quick, painless, minimally invasive, and requires little downtime.

Platelet-rich plasma fibrin

Platelet-rich plasma fibrin (PRPF) uses your body’s own platelets to promote healing and tissue regeneration. We draw a small sample of your blood and process it to concentrate the platelets. Then, we inject the PRPF into your vaginal tissue.

The growth factors in the platelets trigger new collagen production and tissue repair, similar to CO2 laser tightening. It improves vaginal tissue health, reduces dryness, and enhances sexual pleasure. PRPF is also a natural treatment, as it uses your body’s own healing mechanisms.

The PRPF procedure is relatively quick and minimally invasive. Most women experience little-to-no discomfort during the injections, and there’s minimal downtime. You may notice improvements in your symptoms within a few weeks of the treatment.

Don’t let age and menopause rob you of the joy, intimacy, and health benefits of sex. Call YS Aesthetics in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, or request an appointment online.