
Pick One of Our Six Facials

Apr 08, 2024
Pick One of Our Six Facials

Ready to give your skin a boost but don’t know where to start? We offer six different types of facials to address all of your skin care needs. Keep reading to learn about them and decide which is right for you.

The first time you heard of a facial may have been at your favorite spa or salon. But facials are much more than another way to pamper yourself: they’re powerhouse skin care treatments. 

At YS Aesthetics, we offer a variety of facials to address a wide range of skin concerns. So, whether you’re looking for a little refresher or a profound skin overhaul, we have it. 

Here, Ben Shatil, DO, Allison Santhouse, PA-C, and our team highlight our six facials so you can decide which is right for you.

1. Traditional facial

This is likely what you imagine when you think of getting a facial. This type of facial is completely noninvasive and involves a series of services that cleanse, moisturize, exfoliate, and otherwise rejuvenate your skin. 

But even the traditional facial isn’t one size fits all. We customize your facial based on your skin type and needs. 

Some equate the traditional facial to a big drink of water for parched, dull skin, which is what it is. And we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention that our professional aestheticians make sure every moment of your facial is a totally relaxing experience. 

2. AquaFirme facials

Our AquaFirme facials kick hydration up a notch. This noninvasive, FDA-approved skin care system combines vacuum suction, spiral movements, and specially formulated moisturizing solutions to deeply cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate your skin. 

We recommend this facial if your skin is suffering from severe dehydration. 

3. Aquagold facials

The Aquagold facial is the epitome of luxury. During your facial, we use a 24-carat gold-plated injection system to create microscopic punctures in your skin. We then follow this with custom solutions that your skin absorbs into its deep layers. 

This is the best facial to tackle fine lines, acne scars, and pigmentation problems. 

4. Vampire facials

Vampire facials boost the facial experience with the power of platelet-rich plasma (PRP). To make PRP, we place a blood sample from your arm in a centrifuge machine. The centrifuge spins your blood rapidly to separate platelets and a watery plasma from the red and white blood cells. 

We want to isolate the platelets because they’re among the most potent, all-natural healing and growth factors. When we apply PRP to your face, it heals your skin from within, revitalizing it and reducing the appearance of many common signs of aging. 

5. Stem cell/exosome facials

This type of facial is similar to the vampire facial in that it uses naturally occurring growth factors to rejuvenate the skin. However, we harvest stem cells or exosomes instead. 

Stem cells are what we call “blank canvases” — they can transform into any type of cell your body needs, including brand-new skin cells. 

Exosomes, on the other hand, are extracellular vesicles — in lay terms, tiny bubbles released from stem cells. Exosomes carry genetic information and proteins to other cells in your body — in this case, damaged facial tissue — enabling accelerated regeneration. 

We derive stem cells and exosomes from your own body and use them to kick-start production of the key structural protein collagen, which helps support the tautness of your skin. Essentially, it enhances your skin health from the inside out. 

6. VI Peel 

This type of facial is different from our other facials. We apply a specially formulated solution containing trichloroacetic acid (TCA), salicylic acid, and other ingredients to your face. The acidic solution sloughs off the outer layers of your skin to reveal softer, healthier skin beneath. 

The VI peel is a medium-depth peel that reaches the middle, dermis layer of your skin. The specially formulated blend of ingredients works to treat or reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, sun spots, discoloration, acne, and even a condition called keratosis pilaris

Many of our patients tolerate chemical peels well, but they can cause certain side effects and aftereffects, including burning, swelling, blistering, itchiness, flaking, and redness. Your skin often needs weeks to recover from a medium chemical peel. Following basic skin care hygiene strategies are the best way to help your skin bounce back faster. 

The creators of the VI peel from the Vitality Institute report that this type of peel is safe for all skin types and skin colors, but we conduct a thorough evaluation of your skin and its needs before recommending a chemical peel. 

Facials are often our patients’ first foray into the world of aesthetics. So, if you love your facial experience and want to take your skin care to the next level, we’d love to talk with you about our other services, including fillers, Botox®, RF microneedling, laser treatments, and more. 

If you're still not sure which type of facial is right for you, call our friendly staff at 754-215-3790 or schedule an appointment online at our Fort Lauderdale, Florida, office today.