
Bothered by Sun-Damaged Skin? Even Out Your Skin Tone with a Laser Treatment

Oct 08, 2024
Bothered by Sun-Damaged Skin? Even Out Your Skin Tone with a Laser Treatment

You spent your youth soaking up the rays, and now you’re paying the price with blotchy, wrinkled, dry skin. Here’s how to reverse the sun damage and reclaim your youthful skin using advanced technology and laser treatment.

It was fun while it lasted. Spending your youth in the sun gave you a great tan and a lot of good times, but now you’re seeing the effects. 

Your sun-damaged skin looks blotchy, discolored, and uneven, as if you’re aging prematurely. 

Fortunately, laser treatments are like a do-over for your skin. They can remove the damage and let you start with a fresh face again. 

Ben Shatil, MD, Alison Santhouse, PA-C, and our experienced team at YS Aesthetics in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, offer the latest technological advances in laser treatments and can help you reclaim your once-smooth, youthful skin. Here’s how it works. 

What the sun does to your skin

It feels warm and even healthy, but the truth is that the sun causes all sorts of skin damage. It sends out ultraviolet (UV) rays that penetrate your skin and cause cellular changes deep down inside, where you don’t see it. Eventually, those changes rise to the surface as dark spots, wrinkles, and sagging skin.

When you bask in the sun and expose your skin to UV rays, your body produces more melanin as a defense mechanism. This increased melanin leads to dark spots that can become permanent. 

Sun-damaged skin isn’t just a cosmetic problem — UV rays can wreck your skin’s DNA and cause skin cancer.

You can prevent sun damage by using sunscreen with a high SPF, wearing protective clothing, and staying in the shade whenever possible.

What is uneven skin tone?

People talk about their uneven skin tone, and companies push products that claim to correct it, but what does that mean?

Uneven skin tone occurs when certain areas of your skin have more melanin than others — hyperpigmentation. Sun damage isn’t the only culprit; you can also get hyperpigmentation from hormonal changes and aging. An uneven skin tone usually includes dark spots, patches, or blotches that make your skin look less vibrant and healthy.


Fixing sun-damaged skin with laser treatments

At YS Aesthetics, we offer several amazing laser treatments, two of which are exceptional solutions for sun damage and uneven skin tone: Alma™ Harmony XL Pro and Tetra CO2 Coolpeel™.

Alma Harmony XL Pro

The Alma Harmony XL Pro delivers precise laser energy to your sun-damaged skin, stimulating collagen production and cell turnover.

We can customize the Alma Harmony XL Pro treatments based on your skin type and concerns, so you walk away with the best results and minimal downtime. After a few sessions, you'll notice a significant improvement in your skin’s texture and tone, with dark spots and other signs of sun damage fading away.

Tetra CO2 Coolpeel

The Tetra CO2 Coolpeel is another cutting-edge laser treatment we use to address sun-damaged skin. Unlike traditional CO2 lasers, which can be harsh and require extensive downtime, the Coolpeel offers a gentler approach with minimal recovery time.

You get a smoother, more even skin tone with fewer dark spots and fine lines. 

If you’re tired of paying for your days enjoying the great outdoors and want to trade your sun-damaged skin for a smoother, more even version, consider exploring laser treatments. 

Request an appointment online, or call YS Aesthetics and talk with our expert team about how laser treatments can transform your skin.