
Undereye (Tear Trough) Filler

Undereye (Tear Trough) Filler

Undereye filler—also known as tear trough filler—uses hyaluronic acid (a naturally occurring substance in your body)or platelet-rich plasma (PRP – extracted from your own blood) to improve the appearance of sunken or discolored undereye areas. Sunken, dark undereyes give the appearance of being chronically tired. This can happen due to the diminishing of the natural fat pad under the eyes. For some, this occurs quicker than others due to genetics. A microcannula technique is used to go under the naturally occurring fat under the eyes to lift it back to the surface and restore volume and reduce the dark shadowing. The microcannula also allows less pain, trauma and bruising and minimizes risks.


Before & After images